الأربعاء، الموافق ١٥ يناير ٢٠٢٥ ميلاديا

نشاط ترفيهي ل- Tender Loving Care Disability Services

العرب نيوز ( سدني – بنكستاون ) أقامت مؤسسة تاندر لافين كير الاجتماعية Tender Loving Care Disability Services “TLC ” نشاط خيري يتضمن العاب بوفيه مفتوح ..
في مركزها بنكستاون وذلك وكالعادة بحضور لافت ومميز وكان من بينهم السادة Hasan Gencturk ” Musiad Sydney President
Yuksel Cifci” President Turkish Media -Tony Issac Radio Sawtelghad”
Wendy Lindsay MP “STATE MEMBER
Luke Goodwin “Bulldogs Ambassador
Lachlan Lewis “Bulldogs Player
Ray Faitala-Mariner” Bulldogs player
Shauna Maguire ” Assistant Director, Community Engagement at Disability Royal Commission
Mohamed Mustophe”Royal Commission
Ghandi and team” Lighthouse team
fadi derbas “Arab News

ثم كلمة الرئيس التنفيذي ياسر ذاكي

Our Disability Services day program activities have a strong focus on community participation and independent living skills training. Each program that we have developed has been done in a way that maximises participants engagement, sparks focus, and enrich confidence within them.

Participants typically attend 3-5 days each week and are involved in life skills development activities such as cooking, shopping and communication. There are also regular day trips for activities that are appropriate to the individual’s level of disability and goals.

We have teamed up with Elvis Sinosic from Kings Academy to initiate and build this program together to improve participants further health and wellbeing. We are excited to share more of our future together, and we would like to thank our team and support workers for making all of this come to fruition.

Thank you to our wonderful Tender Loving Care participants –You guys have gotten so much fitter and stronger and are able to do more rounds in the class. Your hardwork, perseverance and commitment over the last 3 months has been very impressive. You guys blow my mind more and more every day with how much you are able to achieve. You inspire us every single day to work harder and be a better person. We are so proud of each and everyone of you and can not wait to see you achieve your goals.
And he thanked all TLC team

ثم كلمة مديرة برنامج اليوم السيدة Oulah Zakaria

Thank you all for coming and a special thank you to everyone who helped today.
Thank you to Maye Foodz and Big Fresh who so generously donated many of the ingredients for our grazing table today.

I’d also like to give a big thank you to Elvis Sinosic the owner of Kings Academy and Australia’s first ever UFC fighter. Thank you for sponsoring the kickboxing program and being here today for the grading. You have created a life changing and valuable academy. It is such an honour to be able to run this program under Kings and appreciate your generosity and guidance.
Thank you to Coach Cooba for the excellent job you have done over the last few months. You have made the program a great success and have been very entertaining to have as a coach with your funny explanations on how to stretch.
I’d like to thank the wonderful Tender Loving Care Family – You have created this great organisation and provided a platform where we the staff, volunteers and participants can experience a sense of accomplishment everyday. What a beautiful gift that is. To be able to help, support, grow and contribute. Martin Luther King once said. “Not everybody can be famous but everybody can be great, because greatness is determined by service.” So thank you Tender Loving Care on behalf the participants, staff and volunteers for allowing us all to be of service.

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